Kubernetes and Tanzu recap 2022

Kubernetes and Tanzu recap 2022

The year 2022 was quite the year for me. Unforgettable in many ways. Without a doubt the most important event for me was changing jobs. As of December 1st 2022 I am part of the ITQ family and joined the CloudNative team. It’s energetic, it’s vibrant and I am really looking forward for all that is yet to come. For now, I need to look back though. In 2022 I have been blogging under my own name on the RedLogic website. However, since I left the company I am no longer named as an author. This is why I decided to do a Kubernetes and Tanzu recap 2022. Short summaries and links to the original articles.

The year 2022

Most part of 2022 I worked for RedLogic. My day to day job would best be described as SDDC engineer and I loved working in this field. My other interst, application modernization, is nothing new. I have been trying to keep up with this for years. This resulted in a couple of blogs I wrote during the time I worked for RedLogic with articles focussed on my thoughts and experiences into the cloudnative journey. Personally I believe that my experiences do relate to challenges many people face when starting with this. This is why I will share them here, with you as a Kubernetes and Tanzu recap.

A fresh new year

During the year 2022 I came to the realization that I really wanted and needed a big push into cloudnative. To me, the only way to achieve this was to actually step out of the Software Defined Datacenter. This is when I came in contact with ITQ, felt their enthusiasm and eventually became a member of the CloudNative team. Leaving a good company is never easy, for sure. However, the transition to ITQ has been great and I really love the atmosphere in the superfun and diverse team. I have good faith this will result in some nice blogs for 2023. Probably focussed on Kubernetes, Tanzu and some open-source tools. Who knows! And now, the recaps!

RECAP: My Kubernetes Journey – Business Value


This is an article I wrote in the beginning of 2022. At this point I was exploring how to start a journey into Kubernetes and also, why would you do Kubernetes. It tries to answer some basic questions. Like, what is Kubernetes? Why does my business need Kubernetes and what is the added value? Also, where are Kubernetes used in day-to-day life. The article is pretty high-level with some technical detail where needed.

RECAP: Build the Lab: vSphere with Tanzu and TKG – part 1


When building a Tanzu lab there are quite a few good resources to do this. Like many with me, my go-to source would be William Lam. It is not my goal to re-invent the wheel again, so this is incorporated in the article. Where things get interesting is, when your lab needs updating. This can be a real pain and I wrote about it. Also, what would be the quickest route to your latest and greatest version. The article focusses on getting your lab environment ready for vSphere with Tanzu workloads and NSX-T as networking solution.

RECAP: Build the Lab: vSphere with Tanzu and TKG – part 2


With this article I wanted to show how to succesfully deploy a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster. This article is a follow up on part 1, which is a prerequisite to deploy a Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster in my given lab environment. Based on experience, knowledge and VMware documentation I have tried to put together an article that describes how to be succesful. There were some design choices made that might not hold up towards the future. However, despite some changing code, most steps are still relevant today. When you understand the sequence of the steps and what is actually happening there and why, then this will give you a good understanding on how it works under the hood.

Never Happened: Build the Lab: vSphere with Tanzu and TKG – part 3

Due to my job change this article never happened. Also, I do not have access to that lab anymore. Which means this article will never materialize and you have to take my word for it. For this article I was deploying workloads to the cluster and actually see the Tanzu Kubernetes Cluster at work. Basicly following instructions from the VMware documentation, which might sound easy. But it is not. Ofcourse. Feel free to contact me if you have questions. I am willing to elaborate.


It is suffice to say that 2022 was an exciting year and I am thankful for all the support I received. Thanks to everyone involved. Now it is 2023, new challenges and I can’t wait to see where it goes. It is also tricky to throw out ideas for a next blog. However, expect an article on studying for CKA (Certified Kubernetes Administrators) and how to make the art of practicing a little easier.

Hope you enjoyed this little Kubernetes and Tanzu recap !

tiny footnote

When reading my articles you might notice that i am not really consistent in the way I am using specific terms. For example, I might write “CloudNative” or “Cloud Native” or even “cloudnative”. Sometimes I will write “Application Modernization”, another time it might be “Modern Apps. It is hard to find the consensus, so it is good to know that I am sortof doing this on purpose. The rebel in me.

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Build a Lab - online lab for Kubernetes - codecrusaders
1 year ago